
Enhancing Improved Daily Living for NDIS Participants at Admire Support Services

Living with a disability often comes with unique challenges, but at Admire Support Services, we believe that everyone deserves to lead a fulfilling and empowered life. As a Registered NDIS provider based in Melbourne, Victoria, our mission is to transform daily living for individuals with disabilities by providing high-quality, safe, and personalized support. Here’s how we help our clients turn their dreams into reality and enjoy an improved quality of life.


Understanding the NDIS and Our Role

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is designed to provide individuals with disabilities the support they need to live independently and participate fully in their communities. At Admire Support Services, we are proud to be a part of this transformative initiative. Our comprehensive range of services is tailored to meet the diverse needs of our clients, ensuring that each person receives the care and assistance they require to thrive.


Tailored Home and Care Support

One of the cornerstones of our services is personalized home and care support. We recognize that each individual’s needs are unique, which is why our support plans are crafted with care and attention to detail. Our services include:


A) Personal Care

Our qualified support workers assist with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and grooming. We approach personal care with the utmost respect and sensitivity, ensuring that our clients feel comfortable and valued.


B) Domestic Assistance

Managing household tasks can be challenging, especially for those with physical limitations. Our team helps with cleaning, cooking, and other domestic chores, allowing clients to live in a clean, organized, and stress-free environment.


C) Community Access

Staying connected with the community is vital for mental and emotional well-being. We provide transport and accompany clients to social events, appointments, and recreational activities, promoting independence and social inclusion.


D) Skill Development

Empowerment comes from building skills and confidence. We offer support in learning new skills, from cooking and budgeting to using public transport, helping our clients gain the independence they desire.


Our Dedicated and Qualified Team

The heart of Admire Support Services is our team of trained and dedicated professionals. Each member of our staff is not only qualified but also passionate about making a positive impact in the lives of those we support. Our team undergoes continuous training to stay updated with the best practices in disability care, ensuring that we provide top-notch services that meet the highest standards.


A) Certified Support Workers

Our certified support workers are the backbone of our service delivery. They bring a wealth of knowledge and experience, combined with a genuine desire to make a difference. With their compassionate approach, they help create a supportive and nurturing environment for our clients.


B) Peace of Mind for Families

We understand that the well-being of a loved one with a disability is a top priority for families. With Admire Support Services, families can rest assured that their loved ones are in capable and caring hands. Our transparent communication and collaborative approach mean that families are always involved and informed.


Turning Dreams into Possibilities

At Admire Support Services, we don’t just provide support; we help our clients pursue their dreams and achieve their goals. Whether it’s learning a new skill, participating in community activities, or simply enjoying a higher quality of life, we are committed to making it possible.


A) Goal-Oriented Support Plans

Every client has unique aspirations, and our goal-oriented support plans are designed to help them reach their full potential. We work closely with clients and their families to set realistic goals and create a clear path to achieving them.


B) Encouraging Independence

We believe that independence is key to living a fulfilling life. Our support services are geared towards fostering self-reliance, enabling our clients to take control of their lives and make their own choices.


A Commitment to Quality and Safety

Safety and quality are non-negotiable at Admire Support Services. We adhere to strict guidelines and continuously monitor our services to ensure they meet the highest standards. Our commitment to excellence means that our clients receive reliable, consistent, and safe support every day.


A) Safe and Reliable Support

From the moment you engage with Admire Support Services, you can expect professional, dependable, and safe care. Our rigorous recruitment and training processes ensure that our team is equipped to provide the best possible support.


B) Continuous Improvement

We are always looking for ways to enhance our services and improve the lives of our clients. Through regular feedback and assessment, we strive to innovate and adapt our services to better meet the needs of those we support.


Join the Admire Support Services Family

Choosing the right support provider is a crucial step in enhancing daily living for individuals with disabilities. At Admire Support Services, we are more than just a provider; we are a community dedicated to making a positive impact. If you or a loved one is looking for a caring, professional, and committed team to support your journey, we invite you to join the Admire Support Services family.