
NDIS Plan Management for Funding Support in a Participant Plan

What is NDIS plan management?

Managing your NDIS funds

NDIS gives a choice to the participants in managing the funds in their plan. It includes all the paperwork, financial transactions and compliance with the NDIS rules and regulations.

There are numerous ways in which you can benefit when you choose to get your plan managed.

  • Choose unregistered providers for cleaning, gardening, therapists.
  • The expenses related to the plan managers make part of your funding, and no extra cost is involved. Also, it does not reduce your money from other supports.
  • Make the most of your plan that can assist you in navigating through the NDIS.
  • Lesser hassles and no paperwork at al.

Switching from another plan manager?

It’s easy to change to Admire plan management. Here’s what you do:

  • Check the notice period you need to provide to your current plan manager
  • Notify your current plan manager that you wish to cease services with them and ask them to confirm what date your service bookings will be released
  • Sign up with Admire support services! over the phone or complete the online form.

Top tips:

  • You don’t need to wait until your exit period has finished to sign up with Admire.
  • Signing up early means you will have a seamless transition to us and maintain continuity of provider payments
  • You can change to Admire support midway through your plan – you don’t have to wait

For more information please contact Admire support services